Forecasting provides real-time insight for tracking the sales numbers against quotas, probabilities, plans, etc., which helps organization to fine-tune the organization-level sales process. For sales mangers forecast feature provides an overall picture of company sales pipeline, as well as those of each individual sales staff performance. Sales Representatives can use forecasting to meet/exceed quotas assigned to them and in turn increase company profits.
You can perform the following operations in Forecasts module:
(Access Privilege: Read permission)
You can navigate the forecasts according to the status of the forecasts.
To navigate forecasts
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You can search forecasts alphabetically are filling the required information in Search box.
To search forecasts
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In the Forecast List you can create/modify/delete the custom views, sort columns in the list view (ascending/descending order), search the records available in the current list view. In addition, you can modify some of the columns in standard list views. By default, the following standard list views are available in the Forecasts module:
To create custom views
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In Zoho CRM, you can create forecasts for a financial year and for each quarter by entering data manually in forecast details.
If you have already created forecast for a specific quarter, you cannot create forecast for the same quarter. For example, first you have created a forecast for the Quarter 1 in Year 2006, then you cannot create a new forecast in the same quarter. You can only modify the existing quarter details.
List of Standard Forecast-related Fields
In the Forecast: Edit form, you need to specify the forecast-related information. The following table provides descriptions of the various standard fields in the form.
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
Year* | Select the fiscal year from the drop-down list. |
Pick list |
Quarter* |
Select the quarter of the fiscal year. |
Pick list |
Month | Display the month of the selected quarter. | Month |
Quota |
Specify the quota for the month. | Currency |
Closed |
Display the amount from the closed won potentials. |
Currency |
Commit Amount |
Specify the total amount a sales person confident of closing during forecast period. |
Currency |
Best Case Amount |
Specify the amount a sales person might be closing. This amount can be either more or less than Commit Amount. |
Currency |
Pipeline |
Displays the amount in the sales pipeline. |
Currency |
Owned By | Displays the owner of the forecast. | Lookup |
Created By | Displays the person created the forecast first time. | Date/Time |
Last Modified By | Displays the person modified the forecast. | Date/Time |
By default, the person who creates the forecast owns the forecast. If you want to assign the forecast to a different user, select the user name from the Change Owner field in the forecast details view.
To create forecasts
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After creating forecasts, you can add potentials in each month. Once the potential is closed it is automatically displayed under forecast history. All the potentials created/followed-up are displayed under sales person's monthly forecast list.
To associate forecast with other records
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You can directly access some of the standard reports pertaining to forecasts from the Forecasts Reports section. By default, the following reports are displayed under Forecasts module:
To view forecast report
For more details about reports customization refer to Chapter 19: Working with Reports.
(Access Privilege: Read/Write/Delete permission)
Occasionally you may need to remove some of the unnecessary forecasts from the Zoho CRM system for a better user experience. You may consider removing forecasts that are not useful for future reference.
To delete forecasts individually
To delete forecasts in bulk