As part of the Zoho CRM system administration, users with "Administrator" privilege can perform the following operations:
You can perform the following operations in the Users module:
In the User: <User Name> form, you need to specify the user-related information. The following table provides descriptions of the various standard fields in the form.
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
First Name | Specify the first name of the user. | Text box |
Last Name* | Specify the last name of the user. This field is a mandatory field. | Text box |
Alias | Specify the other name of the user. | Text box |
Zoho CRM ID* | Specify the login name of the Zoho CRM user. This is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Active | Specify the status of the user. By default, the status is active. If required the System Administrator can deactivate the user, so that user cannot access the Zoho CRM system. | Check box |
Role* | Select the user role (for example, Administrator, Standard User, and others). This is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Email* | Specify the official E-mail ID of the user. This is a mandatory field. | URL |
Website | Specify the website URL of the user. | URL |
Phone | Specify the official phone number of the user. | Pick list |
Mobile | Specify the mobile phone number of the user. | Text box, integer value |
Fax | Specify the FAX number of the user. | Text box |
Date of Birth | Select the date of birth of the user from the mm/dd/yyyy drop-down list | Date box |
Street | Specify the primary address of the Zoho CRM user. | Text box |
City | Specify the name of the city where the user lives. | Text box |
State | Specify the name of the state where the user lives. | Text box |
Zip | Specify the postal code of the user's address. | Text box, integer value |
Country | Specify the name of the user's country. | Text box |
Language* | Select the language. Currently only English language is supported. This field is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Country Locale* | Select the country locale to specify your date format. This field is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Time Zone* | Select the time zone in which you are working. This field is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Secret Question* | Select the secret question for password protection. This field is a mandatory field. | Pick list |
Answer* | Specify the answer for retrieving the password in case you forgot it. This field is a mandatory field. | Text box |
To create users
To modify user details
Power users can access all the features available in the Zoho CRM system including functions under Setup module. By default, user with "System Administrator" role is one of the power users. If required, you can enable power user privilege to some of the other users also.
To create power users
Create Administrator User
Occasionally, in your organization, the users' roles may change or they may move to some other business units. In this case, you have to inactivate those users after changing records ownership to other users.
To inactivate users
Activate/Inactivate Users
When the users are unable to retrieve their password due to some reasons (forgot password or unable to provide correct password protection answer) can request the Zoho CRM System Administrator to reset their password. After resetting the password, e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail ID of the users.
To reset password
In the Zoho CRM system, role function provides access privilege to various modules, fields, and special functions, such as import, export, merge records, lead conversion, and others. Users associated to the specific role can access functions that are assigned to them.
You can perform the following operations in Roles module:
By default, System Administrator and Standard User roles are provided for the convenience of new users. While creating a role, first you have to associate the existing role to the new role and later you can change the modules and field-level access control. Users with System Administrator privilege can create roles.
Create New Role
To create roles
After creating a role, you must control the access to the modules (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, Tasks, Events, Forecasts, Vendors, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, and Invoices), import/export, tools, report access, system administration, and general permissions to the roles. Users with System Administrator privilege can manage the module-level access control lists.
List of system-level access control functions
Field Name | Description |
Data Level Permissions | |
Everyone can view/edit all users data | To enable/disable users accessing other users records. |
Admin only can view/edit all users data. Others can only view/edit their data alone. | To specifically enable/disable users with Administrator role to access all the users records and standard users access their own records. If this option is selected standard users cannot access other users records. |
Entity Level Permissions | Select the modules (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Cases, and others) to be displayed in users work area. |
Create | To create records in a module. |
Edit | To modify records in a module. |
Delete | To delete records in a module. |
Import Permissions | |
Import My Records | To import records pertaining to the individual users. You can enable/disable import permission for the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, Vendors, and Attachments. |
Import My Organization Records | To import records pertaining to the organization-wide users. You can enable/disable import permission for the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, Vendors, and Attachments. |
Export Permission | To export records pertaining to the organization-wide users. You can enable/disable export permission for the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, and Vendors. |
Tool Permissions | |
Mass Transfer | To transfer records in bulk from one user to another user. You can enable/disable mass transfer permission for the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, and Vendors. |
Mass Delete | To delete records in bulk from the Zoho CRM system. You can enable/disable mass delete permission for the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, and Vendors. |
Report Permissions | |
Manage Reports & Dashboards | To create/modify/delete reports & dashboards and the folders for the reports. |
Schedule Reports | To schedule delivery of reports to the intended users. |
Admin Permissions | |
Manage Users & Roles | To manage users and the corresponding roles. |
Change Owner | To change owner in each record view page. |
Data Migration | To import the complete data from external application. |
View Users Information | To view other users details. |
Customize Zoho CRM | To customize the pages, fields and others in various modules. |
General Permissions | |
Mail Server Configuration |
To configure the mail server details. Mail server configuration is not available for On-demand Zoho CRM. It is available only in Packages product. |
Export Users |
To export user details into CSV format. |
Export Notes |
To export all the notes into CSV format. |
Export Competitors |
To export all the competitors details into CSV format. |
Import My Attachments |
To import user-specific attachments to the records. |
Import My Organization Attachments |
To import organization-specific attachments to the records. |
Convert and Merge Leads |
To enable convert and merge options in leads details page. |
Mass Change Status Leads |
To change the status of the leads in bulk. |
Approve Web Leads |
To approve the leads captured from Website using Web-to-lead form. |
Web To Lead |
To create Web-to-lead form for publishing in your Website. |
Manage Lead Assignment Rule |
To defile lead assignment rules. |
Mass Email Leads |
To send mass emails to leads. |
Mass Email Contacts |
To send mass emails to contacts. |
Web To Case |
To create Web-to-case form for publishing in your Website. |
Delete Activities |
To delete activities in bulk. |
Manage Workflow |
To setup workflow process for your organization. |
Manage Email Templates |
To setup mass email templates. |
Field Level Access Permissions | To setup field level access permission for the users. |
To control module-level access
Refer to the List of system-level access control functions table.
You can also control the access to certain fields for the roles. This will ensure granular security and users can see the fields that are relevant to their job. For example, "Sales Stage" and "Amount" fields in Potentials module may not be required for a person looking at customer support. Similarly, "Status" of the cases can be hidden for the users other than customer support persons. Users with System Administrator privilege can manage the field-level access control lists.
Manage Field-level Access Control
To manage field-level access control list
You can associate the role with the users with so that they can access to the modules and fields that are assigned to them. Users with System Administrator privilege can associate role with user.
Assign Role to the User
To associate user with a role
You may delete some of the roles from the Roles module that are not required. After deleting a role, users associated to the deleted role will be linked to "Standard User" role. You can delete all the roles except "System Administrator" and "Standard User" roles.
To delete roles
Immediately after signing up with Zoho CRM system, Administrator user is created. With the Administrator user login, you can convert the single user edition to a corporate user edition by adding additional users. Once second user is added in your system, Company Information link is enabled where you can specify your company information. The company information is the centralized location where you can specify your organization related information, such as company name, number of employees, address, date, currency, time zone, and other details. In addition, the company information is used to display the address details in printer friendly Quotes, Orders, and Invoices.
Company Information
In the Company Information form, you need to specify your company-related information. The following table provides descriptions of the various fields in the form.
List of Company-related Fields
Field Name | Description | Data Type |
Name | Specify your company name. | Text box |
Primary Contact | Display the person first registered with the Zoho CRM service. | Text box |
Alias | Specify the alias name of the primary contact. | Text box |
No. of Employees | Specify the number of employees in your company. | Integer |
Role* | Select the user role (for example, administrator, standard user, and others). | Pick list |
Email* | Specify the official E-mail ID of the user. This is a mandatory field. | |
Phone | Specify the official phone number of your company. | Text box |
Mobile | Specify the mobile number of your company. | Text box |
Fax | Specify the FAX number of your company. | Text box |
Website URL | Specify your company Website URL. | URL |
Street | Specify the primary address of your company. | Text box |
City | Specify the city in which your company is located. | Text box |
State | Specify the state in which your company is located. | Text box |
Postal Code | Specify the postal code of your company address. | Text box |
Country | Specify the name of the country in which your company head quarters is located. | Text box |
Currency Locale | Select your country name to display the appropriate currency. | Pick list |
Company Logo | Upload your company logo, which can be used as header in your quotes, orders, and invoices similar to letterhead. Maximum allowed size 188 x 80 px. | Browse Image |
To set up company information
The Zoho CRM software provides easy-to-use migration tool for migrating data from other CRM applications to Zoho CRM. Before migrating the data please ensure that you have the complete data in CSV/XLS format and File Attachment are separated from data. Currently you can migrate data related to Users, Campaigns, Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Tasks, Events, Notes, Competitors, Products, Cases, Solutions, Vendors, and Price Books modules.
To migrate data from other CRM applications
The import history contains the imported file name, module name, user name, and the imported time. You can either confirm the import or revoke the import from the import history.
To view import history
In case you need to import customer data to other business applications, such as Accounting and ERP applications, and further data analysis using spreadsheet programs. First you can export the data in CSV format from Zoho CRM and then import to the required application.
In the Zoho CRM system either you can export the organization-wide data or individually from the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Campaigns, Cases, Solutions, Products, Price Books, Vendors, Tasks, and Events modules.
To export data to external sources
1. How many users I can create in Zoho CRM system?
Ans: You can create the first three users freely. From fourth users onwards you have to subscribe to the On-demand service or purchase a product license. For more details refer to Chapter 27: Managing Subscriptions.
2. I have lost both my password and user ID, how to retrieve my login information?
Ans: If you are a standard user contact your Zoho CRM System Administrator for resetting the password. If you are administrator, please contact for restting your password.
3. How to set my language, time zone, date/time formats?
Ans: You can change the organization-wide language, time zone, from the Company Details page where as date/time format from the Account Information page.
6. How to change my fiscal currency?
By default, the currency is set as US Dollar ($). You can change the currency as per your organization's fiscal currency. To change the currency, select the Currency Locale from the Company Details page.