The advanced filter is a powerful search tool that enables you to extract valuable sales information in no time - information, which could otherwise take you much longer to find out. With a regular filter, your search is based on field values - for example, all leads whose State is "California". This is pretty straightforward and ordinary. Whereas with advanced filters, you can run intelligent searches based on the activities associated to the records, such as leads "that have no open activity associated to them". Or "deals without any notes for the last 6 months".
When the criteria for advanced filters are based on sales priorities such as tasks, notes and emails rather than just field values, your chances for discovering valuable sales information is much higher. When you use intelligent combinations of the available criteria, advanced filters truly work like magic.
To filter records using advanced filters
Following are some common sales scenarios in which you can effectively make use of the benefits of advanced filters. Remember, these are only examples. There are similar countless scenarios you can come up with depending on the combination of search criteria.
You work on a fresh set of leads every week. Over time, you lose track of the leads that needed a second or third follow-up. But in reality, among those idle leads, there might just be a great deal waiting for you - but only if you follow up on it. Advanced filters can filter out such records for you within seconds.
You want to keep a track of your sales activities as well as that of your subordinates. With advanced filters, you can narrow down all deals to which there is no acitvity associated for the next one month but closing date is within the current month. You can add the potential amount as another criterion, which will further narrow down the search.
To further drill down the search, you could also mention the potential amount. So if you get a list of records for deals worth more than 50000 USD that are closing this month, but for which there are overdue activities, then this is something you need to pay close attention to.
Besides overdue tasks, you can also filter the following information about deals:
Advanced filters thus make it easy for sales managers and sales reps to hunt down such cases and act on them instantly.
Consider this scenario. You are looking to send emails and other relevant documents only to those contacts who are in the value proposition stage. Manually searching for each contact who is in that particular stage is time consuming. Through advanced filters in the Contacts module, zero down on those contacts easily.
Contacts matching this criteria will be displayed. You can select all these contacts and send a mass email, update records or perform any other bulk action as required.
Advanced filters not only enable you to discover quick insights but also follow up on the results obtained. For example, you have discovered potential leads that have gone unnoticed. You have filtered out deals that need your attention. But what next?
The moment you filter out records, advanced filters let you can act on them instantly. There are quick actions that can be taken on the records such as Macros, Mass update, Assign owner and so on. From the very same results page, you can follow up on the records instantly.
The purpose of having a website is complete only when you are able to keep a track of who visits it, make inferences about how people use it, when exactly they visit it etc. This information will help you serve your web visitors better and convert those visits to customers.
That said, advanced filters in CRM can help you make such inferences about leads and contacts who visit your website with the help of visitor tracking parameters. You will be able to filter out leads and contacts based on fields such as Average Time Spent on the site, chats missed, browser used to visit the site and so on. Following are a few scenarios in which visitor tracking information could help you make some important inferences.
Let's say you have a list of contacts who are at a particular stage of conversion. For instance, you have contacts with whom you're closing deals this month. You can drill down more specifically by selecting a potential amount for these deals. Some of these contacts may have messaged you on chat, but you might well have missed those messages. Through advanced filters, you can instantly filter out these contacts. Here's how:
You can select any number of search combinations like this, based on your specific needs.
Tracking your leads based on the average time they've spent on your website is also an effective way of converting them to deals. When your leads are spending more time on the site, you know that they're interested.Take these steps to track them:
You have filtered out contacts based on their stages in the sales pipeline. Sales managers can track the progress that their sales reps have made by entering the email address of the sales rep who has attended to specific leads. Let's say, for instance that you're searching for leads associated with Charles Stone, your sales rep. Here's what you'll do:
Now, all leads that Charles Stone has attended to will be displayed.
When you filter leads based on what browser your leads have used, it becomes easier to enhance the design of that website for that browser. Say, for instance, you are looking for leads who have used Google Chrome to access your website. If a large number of leads are found through the filter, you can improve the browser compatibility.