The following are the standard merge fields that can be used in templates in order to retrieve relevant data.
While creating a template, you can use various tags from Users, Organization, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Vendors, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders modules.
Field Name | Tag | Description | Data Type |
First Name | ${User.First Name} | Specify the first name of the user. | Text box |
Last Name | ${User.Last.Name} | Specify the last name of the user. This field is a mandatory field. | Text box |
${User.Email} | Specify the official E-mail ID of the user. This is a mandatory field. | URL | |
Phone | ${User.Phone} | Specify the official phone number of the user. | Pick list |
Mobile | ${Mobile} | Specify the mobile phone number of the user. | Text box, integer value |
Fax | ${User.Fax} | Specify the FAX number of the user. | Text box |
Street | ${User.Street} | Specify the primary address of the Zoho CRM user. | Text box |
City | ${User.City} | Specify the name of the city where the user lives. | Text box |
State | ${User.State} | Specify the name of the state where the user lives. | Text box |
Zip | ${User.Zip Code} | Specify the postal code of the user's address. | Text box, integer value |
Country | ${User.Country} | Specify the name of the user's country. | Text box |
Signature | ${User.Signature} | Specify the signature of the sender where needed. | Text box |
User Role | ${User.Role} | Specify the role of the user where needed. | Text box |
Field Name | Tag | Description | Data Type |
Name | ${Organization.Organization Name} | Specify your company name. | Text box |
Phone | ${Organization.Phone} | Specify the official phone number of your company. | Text box |
Mobile | ${Organization.Mobile} | Specify the mobile number of your company. | Text box |
Fax | ${Organization.Fax} | Specify the FAX number of your company. | Text box |
Website URL | ${Organization.Website} | Specify your company Website URL. | URL |
Street | ${Organization.Street} | Specify the primary address of your company. | Text box |
City | ${Organization.City} | Specify the city in which your company is located. | Text box |
State | ${Organization.State} | Specify the state in which your company is located. | Text box |
Postal Code | ${Organization.Zip Code} | Specify the postal code of your company address. | Text box |
Country | ${Organization.Country} | Specify the name of the country in which your company headquarters is located. | Text box |
Company Logo | ${companyLogo} | Upload your company logo, which can be used as header in your quotes, orders, and invoices similar to letterhead. Maximum allowed size 188 x 80 px. | Browse Image |
Description | ${Organization.Organization Description} | Specify your company information. | Text Area |