Integration with Zoho Desk | Online Help - Zoho CRM

Integration with Zoho Desk | Online Help - Zoho CRM

Zoho Desk Integration

Zoho CRM lets you integrate your Desk and CRM accounts. This integration is aimed at providing a single platform to view and respond to the customer tickets right within the CRM account.


Permission Required: Users with Zoho Desk Integration permission in their profile.

Features Free Standard Professional Enterprise
Zoho Desk Integration

Zoho Desk Integration in Zoho CRM

As an administrator you can initiate integration between CRM and Desk accounts. Upon configuration, you can invite CRM users to Zoho Desk, sync the accounts and contacts modules and choose the modules for which you wish to view the tickets under a module's related lists.

Configuring the Integration

Zoho CRM allows you to configure a seamless integration between your CRM and Desk accounts. The following list complies few actions that a user can perform within their CRM account.

  • You can create new tickets or view a support ticket.
  • You can comment, respond and update field, close or delete a ticket.
  • Set details in the ticket like priority, status, assign a ticket owner, set a due date and update all other ticket fields of Desk.
  • You can choose to prioritize a ticket by linking it to a deal.
  • Fetch details about accounts and contacts from your Desk account.

There are 3 different ways in which you can integrate your Desk and CRM account:

A) If you are an administrator in Zoho Desk, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Setup > Marketplace > Zoho.
  2. Select Zoho Desk and click Setup Now.
  3. In the Desk Homepage click Get Started.
  4. Choose a Portal from the dropdown list.
  5. Click Next.

B) If you do not have a Desk account already, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Setup > Marketplace > Zoho > Zoho Desk.
  2. In Zoho Desk Integration page enter a Portal name.
    A Desk account will be created with the Portal detail selected above.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Log-in to your Desk account using the Portal details.

C) If you neither own a portal nor you want to create one, follow these steps:

  1. In Zoho Desk Integration page, click Configure other user's portal.
  2. In the Configure Portal pop-up page, enter the portal administrators Email address.
  3. Enter the ZSC key value.
  4. Click Next.

Invite Users to Desk From Zoho CRM

Invite users from your CRM account and assign them roles and permissions in Desk, based on which they take actions on the support tickets. Users already added in your CRM account and who are also part of a portal will be listed under Mutual Users.

To invite an user and assign role

  1. In Zoho Desk Integration page click Invite Users.
  2. Select the user from the available list.
    Users will receive an email invitation from the Desk to activate their accounts.
  3. Choose the role from Roles and Permissions.
    There are three types of roles based on the action the users can take on the tickets.
    Agents - can reply, comment and forward a ticket.
    LightAgent - can only comment on a ticket.
    Admin - can assign the ticket to other users and reply, comment or forward a ticket.

Sync Accounts and Contacts Modules of CRM with Desk

Sync the data between your Desk and CRM account to maintain a common platform for handling the support tickets. By enabling sync, details from Accounts and Contacts modules can be directly accessed from either of the platforms. Zoho CRM allows you to sync your data with Desk in two ways:

  • One-way Sync - The data transfer will take place one way, that is, from CRM to Desk.
  • Two-way sync - The data transfer will be mutual, that is, from CRM to Desk and vice-versa

To sync your accounts

  1. In Zoho Desk Integration page, under Sync Settings click Configure Now.
  2. In Map Fields select the type of sync you want: one-way (CRM to Desk) or two-way sync.
  3. Click Save.


Once, the sync between Desk and CRM accounts is activated, you can only pause a sync.

Zoho CRM allows you to select modules that will display the support tickets in the module's related list. The support team will be able to manage the tickets right from their CRM accounts. However, only the modules which have email custom field enabled will be displayed under CRM related lists.

To view the modules

  1. In Zoho Desk Integration page, scroll down to CRM Related Lists.
  2. Select the module. The Accounts, Contacts ad Deals modules are pre-mapped.
  3. Click Save.

Desk Tickets Within CRM

Once the integration is completed the Sales and Support teams can view and update the tickets from within their CRM accounts. Tickets created under specific modules can be viewed in the related lists of the record.

Create Support Tickets

Users can create support tickets right inside the CRM account. The desk users will be able to create tickets from their CRM accounts.

To create a support ticket

  1. Select a Module and choose the Record for which you want to create a ticket.
  2. Go to Zoho Desk > click New Ticket.
  3. In the Add Ticket pop-up page, enter the ticket details.
  4. Click the Contact name lookup icon and choose a Contact Name.
    Also, you can type a Contact Name that will be added as a New Contact.
  5. Fill the other details in the form.
  6. To attach a file, click Attachment icon.
  7. Click Submit.

View Support Tickets

Desk users who have an active desk account with integration enabled, can view the support tickets right inside their CRM accounts. You can choose from the list of tickets, overdue, closed, escalated or high priority.

To view the support tickets

  1. In your CRM account, select the Module from the top panel.
  2. Choose the Record you want to view.
  3. In the record, go to Zoho Desk to view the tickets.
    Alternately, you can click Zoho Desk in the Related List on the left panel.

Comment, Respond, Update Fields, Close or Delete a Ticket

Integrating Desk and CRM will enable the user to take necessary action on the support tickets straightaway from the CRM account. Also, a user who does not have an active Desk account can only comment to the tickets. 

A) To comment on a ticket

  1. Select a Module, scroll down to Zoho Desk and choose a Ticket.
  2. Click the  ticket icon .
  3. In the Desk window pop-up either reply all or forward or comment on the ticket.

B) To update field in a ticket

  1. Select a ticket and click Update Field.
  2. Choose the Field from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the Field details.
  4. Click Update.

C) To close or delete a ticket

  1. Select a ticket.
  2. From the top panel, click Close. Select the More icon to Delete the ticket.

Associate Tickets to Deals

Support team will be able to prioritize a ticket if it is associated to a deal. Quick resolution of ticket can help in closing deals faster.

To link a ticket to deal

  1. Select the Ticket from the Related List.
  2. Click the checkbox.
  3. Click Link to Deals.
    Click More option to Unlink Tickets from Deal.
  4. Select the Deal from the list of deals.

View Customer Service Statistics

Customer ratings and a brief overview of each ticket is displayed right inside your CRM account. A support team can view total number of tickets, overdue tickets, average response and resolution time and customer ratings for each ticket, without swapping platforms.

To view customer statistics

  1. Select a Module and scroll down to Zoho Desk.
  2. Click Show Statistics to view customer ratings.


Once Desk integration with CRM is activated, ticket related informations will be displayed under the SalesSignal notifications. The user will get a quick glance of ticket and can instantly respond, comment or update fields in the tickets. See AlsoSalesSignals Help

In the SalesSignals settings you can view the following desk notifications:

  • New Ticket - To view a new ticket created by lead/contact/potential customer.
  • New Comment - To view a new comment on a ticket by a lead/contact/potential customer.
  • New Response - To view a new response to a ticket by a lead/contact/potential customer.
  • Ticket Overdue - To view tickets that have crossed their due date.
  • Ticket Escalated - To view tickets that may be escalated.
  • New Rating - To view new ratings given by lead/contact/customer.

To enable SalesSignals notification

  1. In your CRM account, go to Settings > Setup > Channels > SalesSignals.
  2. Scroll down to Desk and select the options from the given list.
  3. Click Save.

To view tickets in Salessignals

  1. In the Record's page, click the Salessignal notification icon.
  2. Choose a ticket from the list.
  3. Click on a ticket, to view the details.

Access Desk Tab

The integration of Zoho Desk with Zoho CRM intends to make it easier for the users to take action on the support tickets. Complete ticket details can be viewed right inside your CRM account under the Desk Tab. Since the functionalities are same as in Zoho Desk, you can perform all the tasks and activities you would do in Desk from Zoho CRM.

Please note that, the Desk tab will be displayed only to the users who have a desk account. 

  • When you click on the Desk tab, you will view a desk window where all the tickets will be displayed.


You can choose to remove the Desk tab. To remove do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > Setup > Customization > Modules and fields.
  2. Under the Modules tab, select the Desk module.
  3. Click the More icon and select Delete.

Deactivate Desk Integration

You can choose to deactivate Desk Integration with your CRM account. Deactivation will cease the integration from both accounts.

To deactivate integration

  1. In Zoho CRM, go to Settings > Setup > Marketplace > Zoho > Zoho Desk.
  2. In the Zoho Desk Integration page, click Deactivate.


  • You can associate only one portal to Zoho CRM.
  • If an administrator whose login details are used, is no longer associated with the organization the integrations settings has to be reconfigured using new login details.
  • If you choose to change a portal, user will be dissociated from the support tickets from Zoho CRM's Leads, Contacts and Accounts modules. However, those users can view the tickets in their respective Desk accounts.
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