

Sales jobs are highly demanding and stressful. Sales people often tend to lose interest in their work because of the monotonous work cycle. To make this interesting and boost your sales add a fair bit of games and fun. Gamify your sales process and encounter a drastic improvement in your sales.

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game design elements, including game mechanics in non-game contexts. This can help in creating a healthy competition among your sales people and can work wonders. Every individual likes winning. Gamification helps you in kindling this spirit in the right way to bring the best out of people. For example, In order to improve the rate of Lead conversion ,You can create a game for your employees with a criteria stating Maximum Lead Conversion in a Day. This means that whoever converts the maximum number of leads into contacts will be the Winner and will be rewarded accordingly. This will motivate your employees to work towards achieving the goal without actual work pressure.To make this even more interesting you can also award trophies and badges for individual tasks.

The users can also be allowed to create their own games and choose their own competitors. With Gamification you can also improve team spirit of the employees with the help of group games where multiple users get together to achieve targets in a shorter span. For example if a game ,played with three players as a group, has three parameters , say Lead conversion, Closing of deals and Campaign management each user can take care of one parameter each. This will prove more beneficial than one user performing all three tasks at a time. Gamification aims mainly at motivating the employees and not at analysing the performance of the employees.


Permission Required: Users need an active Enterprise version of Zoho CRM.


  • Get a break from the conventional way of doing your daily chores.
  • Create a healthy competition among the users.
  • Motivate the employees to work as a group with the help of group games.
  • Scale greater heights with lesser work pressure.

Understanding Gamification

Increased employee motivation can help the organisation in a huge way. Gamification can help you achieve this easily. The following details will help you get an insight on Gamification in Zoho CRM and can help you get started with it.

  • Enabling Gamification - The first step is to enable Gamification in your Zoho CRM account it. To achieve this click Setup > General > Gamification and turn ON the enable option.
  • User Games - This denotes the games played between two or more individual users.
  • Group Games - This is a team game played between two or more groups of users.
  • Notifications - Users may not be present in the gamification page all the time. This might lead to missing of certain important changes that happen in the ongoing games. For example, the user might not know that some other user has overtaken the lead in a particular game. To avoid this, the user can turn on notifications for a particular game which is considered important. Once Notifications are turned , the user will get a pop-up every time any user who is playing that game scores a point or performs any activity that might affect the result of that game .
  • Trophies - Trophies are special rewards awarded to the users achieving the maximum score for a particular parameter of a game. Hence, Trophies are Game specific rewards. For instance if a trophy's criteria states Maximum Lead Conversion then it means that it is awarded for the user who converts maximum leads when this particular game is ON. The leads converted by the user before the start of the game doesn't count.
  • Badges - Badges are rewards awarded to the users who complete a specific task in a given duration of time. Hence, Badges are Time specific rewards. For instance if the badge's criteria states Convert 5 Lead(s) within 1 day , the user gets a badge if he converts 5 or more leads in a single day. To win a badge a user need not be a part of any game .
  • Achievements Page - This page displays the list of trophies and badges won by an individual user. This will help you in analyzing the performance of each user. Also, you can identify the strong areas of your users based on the trophies won by them and allot tasks to them accordingly.
  • Badge Status - This page displays time remaining and the amount of task to be completed to win a badge.
    For instance if the badge's criteria states that the user has to close 5 deals in 24 hours. The Badge status page will display the number of Deals closed ( say the user has closed 3 deals, it will be displayed as 3/5 deals) and the time remaining ( 16hrs 10mins remaining).
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